- 名称:3D桁架结构失效分析 下载
- 类型:结构论文
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:03-12
- 下载次数:617次
- 大小:778 KB
- 推荐度:3 星级
- 编号:[G271995]
Abstract-In general, the progressive failure analysis of space truss systems can only be adequatelyevaluated with both material and geometric nonlinearities considered. This paper utilizes constitutiverelationships to provide the fundamental modeling of elastic and inelastic member behavior, coupled witha geometrically nonlinear finite element model. Modeled member material behavior modes include:buckling, yielding, inelastic post-buckling, unloading, and reloading. Geometric nonlinearity is based oniteratively correcting the linearized updated Lagrangian space truss displacement equations. Interactionof the nonlinear loading behavior results in structure force redistribution which can lead to memberfailure, unloading, or reloading. Such behavior can lead to the progressive failure of a space truss structure. The developed model traces the sequence of localized buckling, yielding, and inelastic member response.Results are presented to demonstrate model capabilities for representing the nelastic, progressive failureresponse of space truss structures.,大小:778 KB
Abstract-In general, the progressive failure analysis of space truss systems can only be adequatelyevaluated with both material and geometric nonlinearities considered. This paper utilizes constitutiverelationships to provide the fundamental modeling of elastic and inelastic member behavior, coupled witha geometrically nonlinear finite element model. Modeled member material behavior modes include:buckling, yielding, inelastic post-buckling, unloading, and reloading. Geometric nonlinearity is based oniteratively correcting the linearized updated Lagrangian space truss displacement equations. Interactionof the nonlinear loading behavior results in structure force redistribution which can lead to memberfailure, unloading, or reloading. Such behavior can lead to the progressive failure of a space truss structure. The developed model traces the sequence of localized buckling, yielding, and inelastic member response.Results are presented to demonstrate model capabilities for representing the nelastic, progressive failureresponse of space truss structures.,大小:778 KB
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